Gifted Programming
Fairless Local Schools is committed to educating and empowering all students to soar to excellence. We offer a continuum of services to meet the needs of our advanced (diverse) learners. All of our students are provided with opportunities to learn and grow within our classrooms.
Gifted Definition:
“Gifted” means students who perform or show potential at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others of their age, experience or environment and who are identified under Division (A), (B), (C) or (D) of Section 3324.03 of the Ohio Revised Code Chapter 3324: Gifted Students. All Ohio school districts are required to screen and identify gifted students in grades K-12 using approved assessments.
Identification Criteria
Fairless Local Schools follow the identification eligibility criteria as specified in the Ohio Revised Code and the Ohio Administrative Code. (Ohio Revised Code Section 3324.03). The district identifies students in grades kindergarten through 12, as gifted. Accordingly a child can be identified as exhibiting
Superior cognitive ability
Specific academic [reading, math, science and/or social studies]
Creative thinking
Visual/performing arts ability
Fairless uses only approved instruments by the Ohio Department of Education for screening, assessment, and identification of children who are gifted.
Identification Plan
All students are screened, assessed and identified utilizing ODE approved assessment instruments. The district selects instruments that will allow for appropriate screening and identification of children who are culturally & linguistically diverse, children who are economically disadvantaged, children with disabilities and children with whom English is a second language. The district conducts whole grade testing at grades 2-10 for reading and mathematics. In addition, all 2nd and 5th graders are screened in superior cognitive and creative thinking ability. The district provides at least two opportunities for assessment per year K-12 based on referrals from teachers, parents and/or other students.
In addition to whole grade screening, students may be referred for gifted testing in grades K-12. A referral form must be completed and returned to the building principal. Upon receipt of a referral, the district will obtain permission for assessment and notify parents of the results.
Service Options
The Ohio Department of Education requires that districts identify students as gifted, yet it does not mandate service. At Fairless Local, we offer a continuum of learning opportunities for all students including those identified as gifted. Students who are identified as gifted, may receive services that are consistent with their individual needs and area(s) of identification.
Early Entrance to Kindergarten
Early admission to kindergarten may be requested by a parent for any child (living within the Fairless Local School District) who does not turn age 5 prior to August 1st of that coming school year. Upon receipt of a request, your child will be administered multiple assessments and a committee will be formed to evaluate results to determine eligibility. All applications for Early Entrance must be submitted to the district by June 1st of the preceding school year.
Subject or grade acceleration can be considered a gifted service. However, a student may be referred for testing regardless of gifted identification. There are many factors to be considered when determining whether or not to accelerate a student. The Iowa Acceleration Scale is used to help determine if acceleration is the best option for a student. Guidelines and procedures are found in the State of Ohio’s Model Student Acceleration Policy and the Fairless Local School District Board Policy.
Written Acceleration Plans(WAPs)
When a student is recommended for whole-grade or individual subject acceleration, the acceleration evaluation committee will develop a Written Acceleration Plan (WAP). The parent/guardian shall be provided with a copy of the plan. The plan shall specify:
Placement of the student in an accelerated setting
Strategies to support a successful transition to the accelerated setting
Requirements and procedures for earning high school credit prior to entering high school (if applicable)
An appropriate transition period for accelerated students
- A school staff member will be assigned to oversee implementation of the acceleration plan and to monitor the adjustment of the student to the accelerated setting.
Fairless Elementary Gifted Program
Students in Grades 2-5 who are identified as gifted in superior cognitive, creative thinking, reading and/or math are served during their grade level intervention period. This time is instructed by the Gifted Intervention Specialist focusing on extending the grade level standards through project based learning, small group instruction, problem solving, and creative thinking.
Fairless Middle School Gifted Program
Students identified as gifted in the area of math and/or superior cognitive are served through course accelerated math classes. Gifted service is also provided to students identified in the areas of reading, creative thinking, and/or superior cognitive through cluster grouping within reading classes.
Fairless High School Gifted Program
Students who are identified as gifted at Fairless High School can be served through a variety of College Credit Plus (CCP), Advanced Placement (AP), and Honors or enriched courses. The availability of these courses may change from year to year.
College Credit Plus
College Credit Plus (CCP) options are available for qualifying 7th-12th graders.
Written Education Plans (WEPs)
The district provides gifted services based on the student's area(s) of identification and individual needs. These services are documented by a Written Educational Plan (WEP). The WEP, which is provided to parents of gifted students and educators responsible for providing gifted education services, includes the following:
A description of services provided
Goals for the student in each service specified
Methods for evaluating progress toward goal achievement
Methods and schedule for progress reporting
A WEP review date
The WEP also specifies staff members responsible for ensuring service delivery, states policies regarding the waiver of assignments and includes the procedure for scheduling missed tests while participating in gifted services if outside the general education classroom.
Additional Resources